Saturday 11 December 2010

Derby Biscuits

As a Derby resident and also a massive Rams fan I had to include this local speciality they look a bit like scones or rock cakes but have a much softer texture. Warning if you are counting the calories these are seriously more-ish

I must thank the following website for this recipe (Thank you) :

Greg's store do sell these if your feeling lazy and even have a facebook appreciation page:


1lb flour
8oz margarine
4oz caster sugar
1oz currants
1 teaspoon baking powder
a few drop of yellow colouring
a squeeze of lemon
1 tablespoon of cold water to mix

- Cream the sugar and margarine together.
- Add the colouring and essence to the cold water.
- Stir the liquid into the creamed sugar and margarine.
- Mix in all the dry ingredients.
- Mix to a dough with a little more water if necessary.
- Roll out on a lightly floured surface.
- Cut out with a biscuit cutter.
- Place on a greased baking tray.
- Bake for 30 minutes  (about 170 degrees Centigrade).
- Shout come on you Rams before eating

Monday 6 December 2010

Mexican Lasagne

I was inspired for this one by Nigella Lawson's vegetarian version of this dish. Of course to make it a main dish my twist on this is to add real Mexican chilli beef. If you have made my version of Chilli from earlier and have some saved then this will be an easy way to make a different meal out of the remainder. The brilliant thing about this is that everything is already cooked and just really needs crisping up and the cheese to melt. Anyway try this one out if your feeling spicy!


1. White or Wholemeal Tortilla's
2. Grated Cheese
3. Beef Chilli (see Big Dave's Chilli Recipe)
4. Chopped Tomatoes (tinned or fresh)
5. Optional - broken up nacho's for a crunchy layer
6. Chopped red chilli
7. Chopped red pepper
8. Fresh coriander chopped.
9. 3 cloves garlic crushed


1. Grease a large lasagne dish with a small amount of olive oil
2. Layer some of the chopped tomatoes in the base of the dish so there is a uniform even layer.
3. Sprinkle on some of the garlic, coriander and red pepper
4. Add a layer of chilli beef along with the optional nacho's (if required).
5. Sprinkle on a layer of grated cheese
6. Add a layer of tortilla's making sure it covers the edges.
7 Repeat points 2-6 until you reach the top of your dish.
8. Add a layer of cheese on your top tortilla's
9. Place in the oven on 220 for around 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.
10. Pour a shot of tequila, wear a big fake moustache and put on your biggest hat and do Speedy Gonzales impressions ;)

Sunday 5 December 2010

Nikki's Fairy Cakes and Sponge Cake Recipe

150g Self-Raising Flour
150g Caster Sugar
150g Butter
3 medium eggs - beaten
1 x 15ml (1Tbsp) water

Strawberry Jam to fill and icing sugar to dust OR
Butter icing to fill and/ or decorate
Add cocoa to mixture to make a "chocolate" cake

Preheat fan oven to 170C, conventional 190C, Gas Mark 5/ Grease and line 2 x 18cm (7inch) sandwich tins (or use cup cases in a bun tray for Fairy Cakes).
Sift flour into bowl and put to one side.
Beat together sugar and butter until light and fluffy.
Gradually add the beaten eggs and water with a little of the flour. 
Fold in the remainder of the flour until all the ingredients are combined (add the cocoa if making chocolate version). 
Turn into prepared tins and level the surface. 
Bake for 25-35 minutes until well risen, golden and firm. 
Cool in the tins for 5 mins, turn out and cool fully on a wire rack. 
Sandwich together with jam or butter icing and either dust with icing sugar or decorate to taste.

Dad's A La Carte Beans on Toast

Its fair to say my Dad is not the best chef. In fact he gets in a panic over poaching an egg. Whilst my Mum was due to give birth to my youngest brother Chris -Gareth my middle brother and myself relied on Dad's culinary skill to keep us fed. During this period of time Dad developed this masterpiece I feel I would be depriving the world of cooking if I did not publish this recipe ;)


1. Tin of baked beans - microwaved for 4 mins
2. 2 eggs poached
3. 2 beefburgers - grilled
4. 2 slices of toast buttered
5. Grated cheese (any variety)


1. Place the toast on a plate
2. Pour on the warm beans
3. Place a burger on each piece of toast
4. Place a poached egg on each burger
5. Sprinkle on grated cheese and place under the grill until the cheese melts
6. I realise this recipe requires patience and time to master but stick with it and you will overcome this tricky dish ;)

Mum's Ashbourne Gingerbread

My Mum was born in Ashbourne in Derbyshire - she always cooks lovely food and here is her recipe for Ashbourne Gingerbreads. I will no doubt dip into her near endless recipe list as time goes on. In the meantime enjoy these beauties..

12oz/340g Plain Flour
8oz/230g Margarine or Butter
8oz/230g Caster Sugar
Rind of lemon grated
1 1/2 tsp ground ginger
Pinch of salt

Cream marg and sugar mix in all other ingrediants. Roll out on floured board into a sausage shape.
cut into 1/2 " sections and press lightly into greased tin. Cook in preheated oven for approx 30mins until golden . 
Cool on a rack.
Don't eat them all as they are laden with calories !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nikki's Shepherds Pie

My wife Nikki is a fabulous cook and this is her shepherds pie recipe. No shepherds required!

15ml olive oil
500g beef mince
1 onion, chopped (alternatively use onion granules)
2 cloves garlic, crushed
3 carrots, peeled and chopped
30g plain flour (alternatively add some beef gravy granules to thicken)
1 tablespoon mixed herbs
400g can chopped or peeled plum tomatoes
1 vegetable stock cube
Tomato puree
1kg potatoes, peeled
40g unsalted butter
300g frozen peas
freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons Brown Sauce (alternatively some Worcester Sauce)

Recipe facts: 15mins preparation + 1hr cooking time Serves 4

Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the beef, tomato puree onion and garlic, then sauté for 10 mins or until golden brown. 
Stir in the carrots and flour and cook for 1 min.

Add the tomatoes, stock cube and a small amount of water. Season with mixed herbs, salt and ground black pepper, brown or Worcester sauce then stir as the mixture comes to the boil. Add the frozen peas. Cover and simmer for 40mins or until the meat is tender.

Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for 10-15mins or until tender. Drain the potatoes, return to the pan, then add the butter and mash until smooth and lump free. Season to taste.

Spoon the meat mixture into a shallow dish, then top with the potatoes - fluff up the surface with a fork. Pop under a hot grill and cook for 2mins or until the top is golden brown.

Spaghetti Bolognaise

Its a me Mario, just one cornettoooo give it to me, etc. Sorry had to get that out of my system straight away. The Italians have provided us with some fantastic food and no cooking site would be complete without the all time classic Spaghetti Bolognaise. For a long time I thought the only way to make this was with a big jar of sauce bought from the supermarket - I was wrong- not only does this add needless calories but it costs more and does not taste as good. When I make Bolognaise sauce I always make way too much - this is a good though as it freezes beautifully and if stored in foil containers can even be cooked straight from frozen for a super easy tea time treat.


Warning this recipe feeds a small army get your freezer ready for some action

Minced Meat (ideally lean) - it works with any variety - Beef, Pork, Chicken, Turkey or Lamb
1 Onion - chopped
4 cloves of garlic chopped/mashed (add more or less to taste)
Optional - in the winter to give the bolognaise a hot twist add a couple of chopped chilli's
2-3 red peppers
8 mushrooms - any variety chopped
Tomatoes - any variety (variety is the spice of life)
4 tins of chopped tomatoes
Fresh Basil a good handfull chopped
5-6 Black olives finely chopped
Rosemary - chopped or dried a pinch
Oregano - dried a pinch
Salt + Pepper to taste


1. Fry the minced meat, mushrooms, chopped onion and garlic in a teaspoonful of olive oil with some salt and pepper. (Drain any excess fat)
2. Take a large saucepan and add all of the other ingredients and simmer.
3. Add the cooked contents of your frying pan to the large saucepan
4. Allow the Bolognaise mixture to simmer until it reduces to a nice consistency - this can take a while - if it starts to boil reduce the heat and stir.
5. Serve with your pasta of choice and grated cheese (ideally parmesan)
6. Resist the urge to do Godfather impressions "Respect me - respect the family!"