Sunday 5 December 2010

Dad's A La Carte Beans on Toast

Its fair to say my Dad is not the best chef. In fact he gets in a panic over poaching an egg. Whilst my Mum was due to give birth to my youngest brother Chris -Gareth my middle brother and myself relied on Dad's culinary skill to keep us fed. During this period of time Dad developed this masterpiece I feel I would be depriving the world of cooking if I did not publish this recipe ;)


1. Tin of baked beans - microwaved for 4 mins
2. 2 eggs poached
3. 2 beefburgers - grilled
4. 2 slices of toast buttered
5. Grated cheese (any variety)


1. Place the toast on a plate
2. Pour on the warm beans
3. Place a burger on each piece of toast
4. Place a poached egg on each burger
5. Sprinkle on grated cheese and place under the grill until the cheese melts
6. I realise this recipe requires patience and time to master but stick with it and you will overcome this tricky dish ;)

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